We’ve made a lot of progress over the past couple of weeks, but it isn’t super visible. The floor is done, like done-done. The electrical system is creeping towards finished, and when that’s in, we’ll finish the plumbing and put in the gas lines. Getting outlets put in the bedroom will also mean we’ll be done working up there, so we can then see if we need any modifications on our plan for the bed. When that’s all done, we’ll probably get a few more things done at Koops’ including racks and some sort of storage systems for the bathroom and the garage. Then, shrinkwrap, and then…we’ll be ready to get on the road.

Tom also built a shelf over the batteries for the shore power charger, one of the DC circuit boxes, and other miscellaneous things. Don’t worry, before he did this get got on line and double checked his research to make sure it was really okay to have lithium iron batteries in a closed box with flammable material. It is.

Wires have been run from the electrical system through the water box and around the corner so they can run along the wall where the refrigerator and washer will be plugged in. We’ll also have a couple of AC outlets on that line, as well as DC for the ceiling vent fans and toilet fan. Note the new pump ready to be installed as well.